Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hooray for Second Grade!

Like most other mothers in America, I am celebrating the start of a new academic year. Don't get me wrong, I do love summer. I love the sunshine (we saw a little of that this year), fresh summer fruits, playing at the pool, BBQ's, the Fourth of July......all the fun that summer brings. And even though my kids do their fair share of bickering, it is sad to see summer end.
I am celebrating the start of scho0l because Ben loves school. Yep, I have a seven year old who LOVES everything about school. He loves riding the bus in the morning, seeing his friends, having hot lunch (a once a week "treat"), library, PE , recess, reading, math. From beginning to end, he loves it all. And that makes a mama very happy! Let's hope it stays that way for many more years.

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