Friday, October 31, 2008

Minus a few brain cells today

As we speak my son is sitting in a third grade classroom slowly losing his brain cells. They are being killed off one at a time all in the name of Halloween. You see at his school they are allowed to wear costumes as long as they are dressed as a book character. So Ben chose to dress as Calvin (as in Calvin & Hobbes)

And since I am always the super prepared mother I sat down last night at 11pm with red t-shirt and a black sharpie to create a Calvin shirt. 45 minutes later I was done, but high as a kite from the Sharpie pen fumes. 7 hours later my child awakens me from my coma by standing next to me in his awesome shirt, but all I can smell is Sharpie. It is then off to the bathroom to create the wonder that is Calvin's hair. Yeah, it's cool, but cool takes ALOT of goop. We put in mousse, we put in Got2Be Glued gel, and we put in more Aqua-Net hairspray than I used my entire eighth grade year. Once his hair is in it's chemically induced state of coolness, he then heads out to the living room to pick up his accessory piece. An adorable stuffed tiger that we picked up at the Goodwill yesterday. Did I say PICKED UP AT THE GOODWILL? Then by all means I should probably sanitize that thing before he hauls it around all day. And by sanitize I certainly do not mean throw it in the wash machine with some eco-friendly laundry soap and extra hot water. There is no time for that. By sanitize I mean grab the giant aerosol can of Lysol and spray the heck out of that tiger.

So that is how I sent my third grader off to school today. Looking like Calvin, carrying Hobbes, but smelling like a chemical reactor. Hopefully no one lights a match!

Pictures to follow later tonight.


Amy said...

Can't wait to see the pictures!

I added a link to your blog on my blog - hope that's okay! I've checked you out a couple of times at Mere's blog. You crack me up!

Tracy P. said...

Will come back for pictures! Oh my, we have probably twenty stuffed tigers--my third grade son is crazy about them! And they probably need some lysol just as badly.

And it would be very fun to have you in my fantasy blogger neighborhood! ;-) You're so sweet.

Unknown said...

Can't WAIT to see pics!!! I love me some calvin!!!

Meagan said...

Oh my goodness, that story cracked me up! And I needed to read a good, funny story today!

Have a great weekend!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I love Calvin and Hobbes. I have a friend with cats named Calvin, Hobbes and Susi. And after the Farside went away. And Calvin. And Foxtrot...the comics are no longer the same.

Can't wait to see pictures of your Calvin...

Elena said...

Oh I hope you got a picture! I love the smell of sharpies. Maybe I should make myself a shirt. :)

annaliese said...

what a great mommy! I'll bet he looked fabulous. even if he doesn't remember it in his chemically altered state.

Gramma 2 Many said...

And all of the poor children who had to sit next to him!!!
I am sure you were the cutest Calvin ever and I hope you are sending me a picture, Ben.
Love you the most

Ronnica said...

Sharpie, Aquanet, and Lysol? Yeah, that could be a lethal combination. But that's an awesome idea for a costume!

Debbie said...

Oh my I've missed you...that was hilarious...and I can totally smell that sharpie....

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

What a clever costume...and I so relate to getting it together at 11pm the night before!